Kill Your Competition®
Advertiser Agency Pricing
There is nothing more frustrating than not knowing what you're paying for and how much is truly going to the actual campaign. Just like our transparent 1st party reporting, so is our pricing for all of our marketing and advertising agency services.
Years of experience
American Labor
Positive feedback
Straightforward Pricing
Simple, Clear Pricing Structure
Sign up today!Get ready to be surprised in a positive way!
Our services typically cost less than media companies, digital agencies and in house staff - and that's before you consider the taxes, paid time off, health insurance and 401k your paying into on top of their wages!

Web Development
- Custom Coded, SEO Optimized and ADA Compliant Websites from $10000
- Custom Landing page W/ Privacy Policy, Terms of Service & Thank you page.$3500
- No Monthly SEO fees
- Accessibe, ADA website compliance software, $490/year
Hourly website editing
- $150 for active marketing clients
- $225 for non advertising clients
Honorable Discounts
At Kill Your Competition® we understand what sacrifice is and appreciate yours. As our way of thanking you for your service to our country and community, you will never pay full price on any website! We may even offer services for free in select cases, contact us directly for details.
- Active Duty, Veterans & Gold Star Families
- First Responders
- Non Profits