Radio & Pandora

Effectively Advertise on Radio, Pandora & Amazon Music

We don't get paid differently based on which format you choose, so we don't have a bias based on profit. However, we find that being completely honest about the real capabilities and potential ROI to be gained or lost is why we have over a 95% client retention rate.

The Real Difference Between Local Radio, Amazon Music & Pandora.

Local Radio

Local radio can work, but you cannot rely on Nielsen's (who owns Arbitron) measurement of less than 1% of a population to make your decisions about how 99% of the market actually listens. Even worse, they don't verify the household income, household composition, vehicle ownership or intention. They have relied on the same measurement system for radio since the 1950's. Imagine if your home or car was dependent on never improving or changing since then.

We're different in that we focus on real people, your actual customers, their behaviors and solid research based on fact not fiction. We then create ads and campaigns for real people, on the right platforms, with the right alignment and monitor success by measuring branded name recognition gains through Google's search volume tool, leads and sales from direct and branded organic traffic as well as how it impacted assisting other conversions from other media on your Google Analytics.

While the entry level to be successful in any market is typically less than Pandora and Amazon Music, you'll reach a wider net of potential people, patients and customers. Local radio is often able to genuinely align your brand and reputation locally in a market, has the ability to cross promote you with events as well as strongly tie in effective social media.


Precision Targeting with Pandora & SoundCloud

It's no surprise that Pandora and Amazon Music have the largest addressable audience out of all the digital audio and podcast options out there in the US. With an average of only 5 minutes per hour of commercials, compared to the excessive amount on Spotify,, and more, listeners don't feel pressured to purchase the ad free platform or switch between platforms. Listeners stay!

Both offer great perks that local radio can't provide, which is a verified demographic audience. While Pandora offers the most in scale of ad supported audience because of their partnership with SoundCloud and SXM, there is no doubt who is king of audience data - Amazon, which captures and utilizes this data across all of their platforms from Amazon, Freevee and Prime Video, Alexa, Games, Cloud, Business Solutions, Fresh Market and more.

While the audio may cost more on a CPM basis than local radio, you can ensure your ad is delivered to a very specific audience and follow that audience instead of a station. A starting budget for most Amazon or Pandora partners is typically $20,000/mo, but at Kill Your Competition® most campaigns can start at $5000/month if you run 2-3 weeks a month and thoughtfully geo-target.

Get In Their Ears!

Why Kill Your Competition®

We have years of experience on local radio, as well as Amazon Music and Pandora. Transiting clients in spring 2020 was a breeze during COVID because of our extensive experience and understanding on how to best create campaigns and creative that works to meet your goals. Kill Your Competition® piloted the first certification by Pandora and is one of the first agencies in the US to be certified.

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Reach people while they can't escape from their car!

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